Keccak choisi pour SHA-3

Écrit par Administrator Mercredi, 03 Octobre 2012 06:49

Le NIST vient de désigner KECCAK comme gagnant de la compétition destinée à définir la nouvelle classe de primitives de hachage SHA-3.

"The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is pleased to announce the selection of Keccak as the winner of the SHA-3 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Competition and the new SHA-3 hash algorithm.  Keccak was designed by a team of cryptographers from Belgium and Italy, they are:

"NIST chose Keccak over the four other excellent finalists for its elegant design, large security margin, good general performance, excellent efficiency in hardware implementations, and for its flexibility.  Keccak uses a new “sponge construction” chaining mode, based on a fixed permutation, that can readily be adjusted to trade generic security strength for throughput, and can generate larger or smaller hash outputs as required.  The Keccak designers have also defined a modified chaining mode for Keccak that provides authenticated encryption."

L'introduction de la notion de "sponge function" est un apport important.